
Moving Tips For First-Time Homeowners

A move to a new place can boost your mental and physical health. It also allows you to start anew, with less clutter and more organization.


Ask Movers Collierville TN about their services, including a free estimate and what is included in the price. Red flags include an unmarked vehicle or lack of a written contract. Ask about insurance options, too.

Moving to a new home is a major milestone for many people, especially first-time homeowners. While the process may seem overwhelming at times, there are several things that can be done to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Having the proper supplies for your move is vital, and should be purchased well before your moving day. This includes high-quality boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap and sturdy wrapping paper. You can also buy specialty items, such as wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes and mattress bags for furniture and rugs. You will also want to invest in high-quality packing materials, such as boxes made with double-thick cardboard. This will ensure that your items are protected and won’t be damaged in transit.

One of the most important aspects of a successful move is making sure that all utilities and core services are transferred or activated for your new address. No one wants to spend their first night in a new house without electricity or water. It’s recommended that you call each utility company as far in advance as possible to schedule your move and ensure that they have your correct address. Be sure to transfer or cancel services for electric, gas, water, garbage and any other monthly services that are tied to your current location.

Before you even start to pack, walk through the empty house and note where the light switches, circuit breaker and shut-off valves are located. This will help you plan more precisely where things like furniture and appliances will go on a moving day. It’s also a great idea to take the time to identify your local hospitals and pharmacies, as well as the locations of other essential services such as fire, police, and ambulance stations.

Decluttering and Starting Over

Decluttering is a great way to get rid of junk that you’ve collected over time or simply don’t use anymore. It can take many forms, from unused lawn equipment crowding your garage to children’s toys that have been sitting around for years. Whatever it looks like for you, getting rid of clutter can help you feel more relaxed and make your home more functional and enjoyable.

Whether you’re moving down the block or across the country, decluttering is a crucial part of any move. It takes a lot of time and effort to sort through your belongings, decide what you’re keeping, and then pack them away for your new home. In addition, movers charge by weight, so paring down your possessions will save you money on the cost of packing and shipping.

The best place to start is in a high-use space, such as the kitchen, entryway, or bathroom. This will help you get a sense of accomplishment right off the bat and will give you momentum to tackle other areas. It’s also helpful to create piles of items that you keep, want to sell or donate, and things you need to throw out.

Letting go of items that are no longer useful can be difficult, especially sentimental ones. However, you can create a box or two of memories to save your favorite things and then donate the rest of them. This will help you lighten your load, save on packing and shipping costs, and give you a clean slate for the next chapter of your life. You can even host a garage or estate sale to turn your clutter into cash. This can be a fun and rewarding experience for everyone involved!

Better Air Quality

While good indoor air quality may not be at the top of everyone’s list when selecting a new home, it is a factor that should not be overlooked. Poorly insulated and sealed homes with low ventilation can trap pollutants inside, increasing the amount of dust and other airborne contaminants within the home. As a result, the air can become contaminated to levels worse than outdoors.

The best way to ensure you’re moving into a home with good air quality is to immediately start cleaning, vacuuming and deodorizing the place. In addition, you should avoid using high-VOC cleaning products and paints during the move and ensure windows and doors are opened to increase ventilation. Lastly, make sure to have an air quality monitor on hand so you can test the air for harmful particles and other potential pollutants.

In general, people are more interested in moving to cities with better air quality than those with the worst. Researchers at Redfin analyzed domestic migration data from the Census Bureau and air pollution risk ratings from First Street Foundation, a climate research group. They found that between 2020 and 2022, about 1.2 million people moved out of metros with a high risk of bad air quality and into areas with low risks.